
Trump Evade Pakistan-Bashing Trap

when Indian journalists pressed him to condemn Pakistan’s alleged support for militants in the occupied valley, US President Donald Trump said “I had a very good meeting with Prime Minister (Imran) Khan. It was a long meeting and we discussed a lot,”

The 74th session of the UN General Assembly, although focused on climate change, has also become an India-Pakistan battlefield, with both trying to win over the support of the international community for their position on Kashmir.

While the Pakistanis are focusing on the human rights violations in held Kashmir, the Indians try to divert the world’s attention to its accusation that Islamabad intends to send 500 militants into the valley.

This makes it difficult for the Indians to deflect allegations of human rights violations in held Kashmir. They, however, counter it by trying to lead the argument to terrorism, as Indian journalists did at the Trump-Modi presser on Tuesday afternoon.

President Trump, however, refused to be dragged into this debate and in doing so, he once again reiterated his offer of arbitration to reduce India-Pakistan tensions, despite New Delhi’s repeated rejection of his offers.

“You mentioned Pakistan, but Iran would have to be at the top of the list. Because if you look at terrorist states, that’s been the number one for a long time,” he added.

He then went back to urging India, Pakistan to talk to each other — another suggestion New Delhi does not like.

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