
UK Supreme Court Rules Against Boris Johnson’s Suspension of Parliament

The UK Supreme Court  has ruled against Boris Johnson  by declaring his government unlawfully shut down parliament for five weeks.

Lady Hale, President of the UK Supreme Court, said in her ruling this morning that the prorogation came about in “exceptional circumstances.”

Lady Hale  handed down the historic verdict, leading MPs and campaigners to demand that the prime minister recalls parliament immediately.

She added: “The decision to advise Her Majesty to prorogue Parliament was unlawful because it had the effect of frustrating or preventing the ability of Parliament to carry out its constitutional functions without reasonable justification.”

Lady Hale said the decision was null and of no effect and it was for the Speakers of the Commons and Lords to decide what to do next.

Commons Speaker John Bercow welcomed the ruling and said Parliament “must convene without delay”, adding that he would now consult party leaders “as a matter of urgency”.

While, Boris Johnson, who is in New York for the UN General Assembly, has refused to say whether he will resign if he is found to have broken the law, or will seek to shut down parliament again.


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