
Trump, With Imran Khan, Offers J&K Mediation For Third Time

US President Donald Trump once again offered to mediate in resolving the Kashmir issue with Pakistan, saying that “there is always a solution”.

The offer – his third – came barely 24 hours after he shared stage with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a huge public meeting in Houston.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday pressed US President Donald Trump to restart talks with Afghanistan’s Taliban and said Washington has a “duty” to calm the Kashmir standoff with India.

He also pleaded for help in Kashmir, a disputed Muslim-majority territory, part of which has been placed under a military clampdown by neighboring India, restricting many basic freedoms.

On US-Pakistan ties, Trump said: “People in my position have treated Pakistan very badly… I trust Pakistan but people before me didn’t, but they didn’t know what they were doing,” he said in response to a question.

Pakistan’s premier  Khan, who has declared himself an ambassador of Kashmiris, on Sunday briefed US lawmakers, scholars, human rights activists and the media on the repercussions of India revoking the special status of Jammu and Kashmir on August 5.

Earlier too, during meetings with Imran Khan in which the Pakistan President had raised the Kashmir issue, President Trump had talked of mediation between Islamabad and New Delhi. But India had said a firm “no”, reiterating that Kashmir was a bilateral issue.

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