
No Contact with Parents, Kashmiri Man told Pakistani Foreign Minister

A Kashmiri man told Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi in Madinah, Saudi Arabia that he has lost contact with his parents from last 48 days.

The Pakistani foreign minister posted a video on his Twitter account on Saturday in which a Kashmiri man was briefing him on the current situation in his home town.

“Yesterday in the holy city of Madinah [Saudi Arabia] this young man told me he has not spoken to his aging parents in 48 days. He told me of the unprecedented violence in Pulwama in Indian Occupied Kashmir. I promised him Pakistan is fighting at every diplomatic forum for the rights of Kashmiris,” Qureshi tweeted.

In the video, the Kashmiri man, who met him in Masjid al-Nabawi, told Qureshi that there is one landline number in their area but no one is picking it up.

“The situation is very bad and there is a lot of violence in Kashmir. There is one landline number in our area, I tried my best to call and spoke with my parents but the person sitting there is disconnecting the call,” Kashmiri man told the Pakistani foreign minister.

He added that his elder brother had been martyred in 1993 while his maternal was also killed.

Qureshi told the Kashmiri man that his country stands by the Kashmiri people and they wouldn’t leave them alone.

Qureshi, who was part of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s delegation, arrived on Thursday on a two-day visit ahead of the United Nations General Assembly session in New York.

Khan appraised Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz and Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman of the latest development in Jammu and Kashmir.

Later Premier Khan and his delegation performed Umrah before leaving for New York on Saturday.


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