
Young Protesters Around Globe Demand Climate Action

Students Skip Classes to Teach Leaders Climate Lesson

Millions of young people marched on Friday, from handfuls of demonstrators on Pacific islands to mass rallies in cities of Europe, USA, Asia Pacific, Australia, Germany,Nigeria, Pakistan, India.

Protesters in about 150 countries demanded  governments to take immediate actions to limit the harmful eff­ects of manmade climate change.

Alarmed by images of the Greenland ice sheets melting and the Amazon rain forests burning, hundreds of thousands of students and workers left their schools, colleges and offices on Friday and marched along city streets around the globe to demand that world leaders take urgent action to avert an environmental catastrophe.

The global climate strike, inspired by 16-year-old Swe­dish activist Greta Thun­berg, kicked off in the Paci­fic islands and followed the rising sun across Australia, Japan, Southeast Asia and then on to Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the Americas, uniting in a worldwide protest .

The Swedish teenage activist Greta Thunberg, who inspired the protests, called it the biggest climate strike in history.

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