
‘A Dumb Thing to Do’: Canada PM Apologises for Brownface

The Canadian prime minister is but the latest politician to face scrutiny over racially insensitive photos and actions from their younger days.

Canadian leader Justin Trudeau’s campaign was hit on Wednesday by the publication of a yearbook photo showing him in brownface makeup at a 2001 costume party.

Addressing the image, Mr Trudeau, who launched his reelection campaign exactly one week ago, said “he should have known better”.

The prime minister apologised and said: “It was a dumb thing to do.”

The photo, which it says was published in the 2001 yearbook from the West Point Grey Academy, a private school in British Columbia where Trudeau worked as a teacher before entering politics.

Canada’s Trudeau in 2001 ‘Brownface’ photo

The prime minister is battling for re-election on 21 October.

Mr Trudeau, who is the son of late former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, used to teach at the elite academy.

The image is politically embarrassing for the prime minister because he has made progressive policies a signature issue.

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