
Italy forms new coalition government

Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte formed a coalition government on Wednesday ending a month-long crisis in the country.

Conte, who last week got a fresh mandate from President Sergio Mattarella to form a government, announced a coalition of the populist Five Star Movement (M5S) and center-left Democratic Party (PD), while shutting out of power right-wing leader Matteo Salvini.

The 21-member cabinet will have seven women ministers.

The list includes 10 ministers from Five Star, nine from PD, and one from the far-left Free and Equal (LEU) party.

Luigi Di Maio, leader of Five Star, was appointed foreign minister.

Lorenzo Guerini of PD will take up the role of defense minister.

The Interior Ministry will go to Luciana Lamorgese, the former governor of Milan.

The new government will be sworn in on Thursday.

Italian markets have welcomed the new government, with Milan’s FTSE Mib up nearly 1.7 percent after the announcement.

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