
Kashmir Issue: Pakistan briefs France and Jordan on ‘Deteriorating Situation’

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday called King Abdullah II of Jordan to highlight the deteriorating situation in the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

India’s unilateral actions in Kashmir pose grave risks to regional peace and are aimed at altering the demography of the Muslim-majority region, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan said in phone calls with the leaders of Jordan and France.

He said through its unilateral and fascist actions, India is attempting to change the demography of the disputed territory, which is a blatant violation of the international norms and the UN Security Council resolutions.

French President Emmanuel Macron underlined the importance of “resolving all outstanding issues through peaceful means”, according to a statement from Khan’s office.

Jordan’s King Abdulla called for de-escalation and peaceful resolution of the dispute, Khan’s office said. He also pledged to consult other countries over the situation.

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