IndiaKashmirMiddle EastNews

Top Kashmir Resistance Group Slams UAE for Modi Award

popular resistance group in India-administered Kashmir on Saturday derided UAE for awarding Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the highest civilian honour,  saying the act doesn’t reflect the ‘will of the people of UAE’

“It’s an embarrassment for the entire Muslim Ummah (community),” a Pakistan-administered Kashmir-based spokesperson of  All Parties Hurriyat Conference said.

All Parties Hurriyat Conference [or APHC] is an amalgam of dozens of political groups that challenge India’s sovereignty over the disputed region.

“The award has come from the country’s monarchy. It does not reflect the voice of the people of UAE. We urge democracies like Turkey and Malaysia to intervene in Kashmir dispute and show mirror to such monarchies,” said Sayied Abdullah Geelani.

Modi’s induction into the “Order of Zayed” shows the importance the UAE places on India, the world’s third-largest consumer of crude oil, even as the Indian right-wing leader pursues stripping statehood from the disputed Muslim-majority region of Kashmir.

Activists, however, criticized the UAE bestowing the award on Modi as he clamps down on the Himalayan region claimed by both Pakistan and India.


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