
Bangladeshi Police Shoot Dead Two Rohingya Refugees

Two Rohingya refugees were shot dead by Bangladesh  police during a gunfight in a refugee camp on Saturday after they were accused of killing a ruling party official, police said.

According to ;ocal police , two Rohingya were shot and critically injured in Jadimura refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar district during a manhunt after a youth wing official of the ruling Awami League party was killed, allegedly by armed refugees.

Omar Faruk was shot in the head on Thursday at a settlement near the border town of Teknaf.  His murder had sparked anger among the local population and hundreds of people blocked a key highway leading to the camp for hours, burning tyres and vandalising shops visited by refugees.

Nearly one million Rohingya  live in squalid camps in southeast Bangladesh; 740,000 fled a 2017 military offensive against the Muslim minority in Myanmar.

The incident comes two days after a second failed attempt to repatriate the refugees, which saw not a single Rohingya turn up to return across the border to conflict-scarred Rakhine state.


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