
Trump Speaks with Modi and Khan amid India-Pakistan Tensions

US president Donald Trump on Monday spoke with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan amid simmering tensions between the two nations over Kashmir crisis.

Describing the situation in Kashmir as tough, US President Donald Trump has urged India and Pakistan to work towards reducing tensions in the region.

Trump and Modi discussed regional developments involving Washington and New Delhi and how the two nations might strengthen economic ties, according to a White House readout of the call.

The White House later said that Trump spoke with Khan for the second tome in four days about the tensions in the Kashmir and Jammu regions.

“The President reaffirmed the need to avoid escalation of the situation, and urged restraint on both sides,” the White House said.

The two men also discussed economic ties and trade.

The US has reaffirmed that there was no change in its Kashmir policy, that it is a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan.


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