
Afghanistan-Taliban Blast in Kabul- Killed Dozens

A suicide car bomber targeted the police headquarters in a minority Shiite neighborhood in western Kabul, capitol of Afghanistan.

At least 20 people killed and 95 wounded in the blast, according to the Health ministry spokesman Wahidullah Mayar. However, mostly civilians including women and children, had been taken to hospital.

According to footage and witnesses, small-arms fire could be heard following the blast. A common insurgent tactic is to use a suicide bomber to hit a target and then follow up with gunmen storming the area.

The attack comes against the backdrop of another round of talks this week between the Taliban and the U.S. in the Gulf Arab state of Qatar, where the insurgents maintain an office.

Afghanistan’s presidential election, already delayed over security and organizational concerns, is set for Sept. 28. The Taliban on Tuesday issued a threat warning Afghans to boycott the polls and avoid campaign rallies which “could become potential targets.”

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