
Bangladesh: One-day dengue infections break records

Bangladesh this weekend broke a one-day dengue infection record, with 1,870 new patients hospitalized over the last 24 hours, on Sunday. This is the worst-ever dengue-hit tally to 24,804, government records said

Victims include doctors, police officers, university students, and family members of top government officials, raising the death tolls to 53, according to available local media reports.

Meanwhile, the government’s Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) as of Sunday put the official death toll at 18.

Some 7,400 patients are being treated at various hospitals across the country, while nearly 17,400 patients have been discharged after treatment since January, according to directorate records.

All 64 districts of Bangladesh have been affected by the virus, including some 5,000 patients being treated in Dhaka and 2,429 outside the capital.

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