
Kenya opens Africa’s largest wind power project

Kenya has unveiled Africa’s largest wind power plant.The project aimed at reducing electricity costs and dependence on fossil fuels and moving the nation to meet an ambitious goal of 100 percent green energy next year.

The sprawling wind farm of 365 turbines on the shores of Lake Turkana in northern Kenya was designed to boost the nation’s electricity supply by 13 percent, President Uhuru Kenyatta said at its launch.

About 70 percent of the nation’s electricity comes from renewable sources such as hydropower and geothermal – more than three times the global average.

But one in four Kenyans – mostly in rural areas – does not have access to electricity. Those with power face high costs and frequent blackouts due to unreliable supply.

Kenyatta, who has announced plans to move the country to 100 percent green energy by 2020, said power from the $775m wind farm would help the government reach its goals of ensuring housing, healthcare, jobs and food security to all citizens.

Kenya has made great strides in renewable energy in recent years and is considered one of the few African nations making progress toward clean power.

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