
Stop Lynching-Draft law wants life imprisonment for mobsters

To clamp down on spate of lynching and killing, UP Law Commission has hammered out a draft bill that recommends life imprisonment for mobster when victims die. District magistrates and policemen too won’t be spared and are liable to face imprisonment between 1-3 years if they fail to control mobs.

In the draft, lynching has been defined as “act of spontaneous or planned violence by a mob on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth, language, dietary practices, sexual orientation, political affiliation or ethnicity on mere suspicion of cognizable offence, not amounting to heinous crime”.

it’s been suggested that If a person suffers injury, accused can be imprisoned up to seven years and fined up to Rs 1 lakh. For causing grievous injuries, the penalty is imprisonment till 10 years and a fine of Rs 3lacs. When a person is lynched to death, the draft Bill recommends rigorous life imprisonment for accused along with a fine of Rs 5lacs.

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