
Iranian boats attempted to seize British tanker

US officials said, Iranian boats tried to impede a British oil tanker in the Gulf on Wednesday and asked it to stop in Iranian waters close by. But they withdrew after a British warship warned them.

HMS Montrose moved between the three boats and the tanker British Heritage before issuing verbal warnings to the Iranian vessels, a spokesman said.

According to reports boats believed to belong to Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) and tried to bring British Heritage tanker to a halt as it was moving out of the Gulf into the Strait of Hormuz.

British Heritage Tanker was near the island of Abu Musa when it was approached by the Iranian boats.
Although the island is in disputed territorial waters, HMS Montrose remained in international waters throughout.

Earlier on Wednesday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Britain would face “consequences” over the seizure of the Iranian tanker.

Tensions between Iran and the United States and its allies have risen sharply since Washington stepped up economic sanctions against Iran

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