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NYC creates record 4.73 million jobs which is highest in city’s history, Mayor Adams

NEWYORK: New York city Mayor Eric Adams said that NYC has created record number of 4.73 million jobs which is highest in the city’s history.

“These record numbers come with different initiatives, such as local community hiring initiative that we’re doing, our hiring halls partnered with DC 37 leadership, and the $1.2 billion that we’re going to be rolling out in the first phase of this in the local community hiring through DCAS, “ Mayor Adams said while talking on media briefing with journalists.

“Rebuilding the economy means putting people to work,” he said. “We’re saying if you’re getting these RFPs from the city, you have an obligation to hire in the communities. Zip codes where at least 15 percent of the population live below the federal poverty threshold or in NYCHA. These are the type of employment opportunities we want to put out,” he said.

He said that making more livable city means improving the public spaces. He said that for all New Yorkers, this Thursday, city pools will open for the summer, and with that comes an investment of more than $1 billion to build and improve our city’s pools over the next five years.

Additionally, he said that as a reminder for restaurant owners with outdoor dining shares, the deadline to apply for our permanent dining out NYC program is in five weeks of August 3rd. “I love the outdoor dining, and a lot of people seem to enjoy it as well. They can visit for more,” he said.

Mayor Adams said that this summer will be a celebration of New York City’s unrivalled summer offerings.

To a question regarding congestion, Mayor Adams said that one of the biggest problems with congestion is double parking. “Vehicles are double parking to slow up traffic, it’s a safety hazard and so we’re going to continue to enforce those ways that we believe is preventing traffic from moving forward,” he said.

“Then we have to have a first-class subway system so that people can get out of cars and get in our subways. We’re seeing after a slight uptick in January in crime, the numbers, February, March, April, May, the numbers have substantially decreased. We put the thousand officers into the subway and I think in combination with Deputy Mayor William-Isom is doing with the SCOUT Initiative, you’ll see the continuation that people are going to feel comfortable,” he said.

Replying to a question about gun violence, Mayor Adams said that over-proliferation of guns is a real problem and we have been leading from the front all the mayors across the country for the most part look towards what we’re doing.

“We removed over 15,000 guns off our streets. It’s unfortunate that we have almost a revolving door system of those who are severe, extreme recidivists such as the individual who shot Detective Jonathan,” he said.

“We’re doing our job as the police but the criminal justice system includes judges prosecutors and the fourth arm that many people ignore are the lawmakers. Our laws must look at those who carry guns and those who are extreme recidivists and then we need to stop the manufacturing and producing of guns on our streets,” he said.

“The Supreme Court recent ruling is going to have a major impact on gun safety across this country. The police department we are laser-focused on getting rid of guns off our streets and I think the Surgeon General’s report is going to highlight how we were front and center on this topic from the beginning. Gun violence is a real issue in our country,” he said.

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