New YorkNewsUS

71th birthday of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto celebrated in New York

NEWYORK: The seventy-first birthday of the first woman Prime Minister of the Muslim world, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto, was celebrated in New York by the Pakistan People Party USA.

Speaking at the birthday ceremony, Pakistan People’s Party USA President Khalid Awan said that Shaheed Benazir Bhutto dedicated her life to Pakistan and the nation, so she is still alive in our hearts and remain alive forever.

Not only the workers of the Pakistan People’s Party but also members of various political parties of Pakistan participated in the event.

Addressing the participants, PPP USA senior vice president Jamshed Iqbal Gujjar, New York President Zafar Chatta, Salman Butt and Safdar Humayun said that Benazir Bhutto had struggled her entire life for people’s rights and her services for restoration of the democracy in the country will always be remembered.

Chief guest of the ceremony Kashmiri leader Ghulam Nabi Fai said that Benazir Bhutto was a leader of not only of Pakistan but also of the Muslim world.

The leaders and activists of PPP USA paid rich tribute to their leader and said that the best way to show loyalty to Benazir is to continue her struggle for the supremacy of constitution, democracy, rule of the law and people’s rights.

Speakers highlighted the services of the Beneazir Bhutto for the country and said that Benazir Bhutto was far-sighted leader and took not only bold, courageous and judicious decisions during her political career.

At the end, the officials and workers of the Pakistan People’s Party cut the cake on the seventy-first birthday of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto and at the same time renewed their pledge to continue the philosophy and vision of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Shaheed Benazir Bhutto and play their due role as much as possible.

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