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Mayor Adams delivers remarks at flag-raising ceremony for Haiti

NEWYORK:  New York City Mayor Eric Adams said that all of our hearts go out to the people of Haiti at this time, right here in our hemisphere, as we watch individuals raise their voices about those atrocities that’s playing out on a global level.

Addressing flag-raising ceremony for Haiti, Mayor Adams said that let’s not forget Haiti. Let’s not forget what Haiti means for this hemisphere, what it represents.

He said that he liked to believe this city is the Port-au-Prince of America with 150,000 Haitians living in this city.

“As you celebrate the 20 years of independence, it’s a very rich independence in the spirit of Toussaint, who was willing to fight for freedom instead of surrendering to enslavement,” he said.

“That is something that all of us should lift up our strong beliefs in, and particularly those of us who are of African ancestry, he mentioned.

“He was representative of what it meant to defend his land. He paid a price for that, but the price that he paid could never take away his historical contribution to the richness of the Haitian people.”

Mayor Adams said that he stand with Haiti during my trip during the hurricane and visiting there, standing with the people of Haiti. “I stand with Haiti now as we deal with the human hurricane that is sweeping across the country and it’s imperative that we find a time to return to Haiti and give our support.”

“I want to thank HALEFO, the law enforcement agency, who went down during a time of need in Haiti and will continue to do so,” he said.

“I stood with Reverend Sharpton and other Haitian leaders a few months ago as we called for our country to clearly recognize that the crisis in Haiti should not be taking place in this hemisphere of the globe,” he said.

“We need to raise our voices and not remain silent of what’s playing out on the streets of Haiti every day. It’s impacted children, it’s impacted families, it’s impacted businesses, and it’s impacted the stability. I will continue to raise my voice as we raise the flag today of over 20 years of independence to the Haitian community,” he said.

Consul General of Haiti in New York Marie Andrèe Amy said that today we celebrate the 221st anniversary of our flag.

“Throughout our history, in the face of natural disasters, political crisis, and economic turbulence. Our people have always demonstrated remarkable strength and solidarity. Our flag symbolizes its tenacity, this unique ability to remain united and resilient whatever the circumstances. The courage of Haitians is not only a response of adversity. It’s a virtue engraved in our identity,” Andree Amy said.

“The Haitian Consulate in New York plays a vital role in serving a vital link between our motherland and our vibrant and diverse diaspora. In close collaboration with different Haitian communities. We work, we strengthen, the type that unite us for programs that cultivate courage and nurture resilience.”

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