
PM Shahbaz Sharif honor immense sacrifices of workers on Labour Day

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Mian Mohammad Shahbaz Sharif honored the immense sacrifices of the workers who laid their lives while waging a relentless struggle for their rights.

Issuing a message on the eve of Labour day, PM said that we honored the invaluable contributions of those workers who work day and night in the fields, factories and elsewhere.

“They not only work hard to feed their families but also are the driving force behind Pakistan’s progress,” he said.

He said that with an overarching objective to promote the rights and interests of Pakistani workforce and as promised in PML-N’s manifesto, the government remain steadfast in its commitment to bolstering labor welfare and harmonizing domestic labor legislation with global standards.

He said that enhancement of occupational safety and health (OSH) across various sectors remains a top priority for the government.

“We will soon be convening the inaugural National Tripartite Labour Conference with a special focus on safety and health,” he announced.

“Efforts are also underway to ratify the ILO Convention on OSH in Mines No. 176, underscoring our commitment to ensuring that miners have access to OSH that are compliant with international standards,” he said.

PM said that he fully understands that the current inflation has disproportionately affected our financially weak labor class.

“The Government is addressing this through targeted subsidies and support programs.” “We will also continue our endeavours to improve the working and living conditions of our workers by further promoting their welfare through better housing, education, healthcare and social security benefits,” he said.

He said that government through labour-friendly policies and initiatives, will ensure that decent working conditions are maintained thus making our workers the strength of Pakistan.

He said that government recognize workers in the formal sector but it would be remiss if we did not mention the hardworking individuals in the informal sector who work in the fields, homes, and other places.

“I also wish to particularly recognize the services of our female folk who work hand in hand with their female counterparts to earn a living for their families. Sustainable economic growth remains our top priority,” he added.

He said that through concerted efforts, the economy is on the path to recovery and expressed hope that this growth will result in more economic activities and create job opportunities. However, the new job opportunities would demand a skilled labour force, he added.

Recognizing the key role of skilled workers in our economic development, he said that the government has initiated vocational training and skills development programs to empower workers and enable them to secure employment opportunities both at home and abroad.


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