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NYPD fully mobilized to protect lives, properties of the citizens: Jeffrey B. Maddrey

Repeated offenders and those who take the law into their hands must be punished, he told Ethnic media in a virtual meeting

New York: New York Police Chief Jeffrey B. Maddrey has said that the police are always there to help not only citizens but also the immigrant community.

He said this in a virtual meeting with ethnic and community media.

A virtual roundtable between NYPD Chief Jeffrey B. Maddrey and community media was held by José Bayona, executive director of Ethnic and Community Media in the New York City Mayor’s Office.

The police chief briefed the ethnic and community media about the overall measures taken by the police to protect the lives and property of the citizens.

On this occasion, the Police Chief said that the police are fully mobilized to protect the lives and property of the citizens and are working together with other important agencies of the city.

On this occasion, the police chief was asked about the amendment of the criminal justice system, and he said that many accused who are on bail should be in jail.

Repeated offenders and those who take the law into their own hands must be punished.

The ethnic and community media representatives participating in the Zoom meeting drew the attention of Chief to various problems faced by the immigrant community.

Chief Jeff Maddrey said the police are always there to help not only the citizens but also the immigrant community.

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