New YorkNewsUSWorld

On an average 16,000 immigrants entering NYC each month, posing a threat to law & order: Eric Adams

NYC is managing over 160,000 migrants, and this constitutes 1.5 times more than that of Albany

New York: New York City Mayor Eric Adams has said that on average some 16,000 immigrants and asylum seekers are entering the city each month, and the city administration requires an adequate budget to cope with the growing immigrant challenge, and if the issue is not tackled through collaborative efforts, the city’s crime may surge shortly.

Addressing the weekly press conference with members of his administration at City Hall, Eric Adams said almost 4,000 immigrants enter the city each week, 8,000 in every two weeks, and 16,000 each month. However, the city administration has made its all-out efforts to accommodate almost 90 percent of them with food, shelter, education, etc. so far, despite budgetary constraints.

Managing over 160,000 migrants and asylum seekers, this constitutes 1.5 times more than that of Albany. The difference between Albany, and New York, is in Albany, immigrants were allowed to work, however, we were not allowed to have those migrant and asylum seekers work in New York and the entire burden is being managed by the city government.

To a question, he said that there are many areas including Manhattan for affordable housing to be built. If you take a look on going from 11th Avenue to Park Avenue, you know, our central business district, there’s a great opportunity to reconvert office space. We have square feet of office space that’s vacant. That’s prime real estate, close to hospitals, close to transportation, close to food, close to employment.

We did it on September 11th when we changed Wall Street Area, we made it into a live/work community. That is what people looking for right now. New York City is the economic engine of the state and the country. People came to visit me several times to get initiatives passed, I have to keep hammering away at this issue.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said that two years ago, the peace situation in the city was very bad, people were afraid to go to the subway station at night. .

He said that we are currently struggling with the arrival of more than 160,000 refugees and the problems caused by them.

In response to a question about the incident that occurred at Grand Central, Eric Adams said that Police Commissioner will brief him on the matter so that the real motives of the incident can be known.

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