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ACMW distributes gifts among NYC children on the eve of Christmas, New Year

The traditional ‘Toys for Tots’ event at Coney Island Avenue brings smiles to children's faces

New York: As New Year and Christmas are fast approaching, the American Council of Minority Women (ACMW) distributed gifts to hundreds of children in New York.

The American Council of Minority Women, along with its sponsors, organized the traditional  ‘Toys for Tot’ event at Coney Island Avenue that brought smiles to children’s faces before the commencement of New Year and Christmas.

ACMW Chairperson Baza Ruhi and Secretary Ahmed said: “we want no child to be deprived of these joys at the beginning of Christmas and New Year, while Consul General of Pakistan in NYC Amir Ahmad Atozai said that in the race of fast-paced life, spearing time for others is admirable.

New York Police officers and US Navy personnel also took part in distributing gifts to the children. They said that children are like flowers and their smiles are like fragrances.

Children from different parts of Brooklyn came with their parents and received their favorite toys as gifts. Other community organizations and personalities appreciated this effort of ACMW and reiterated their commitment to work together.

Consul Woman Rita Joseph was represented by Khadijah while NYU and others also extended their greetings for Christmas holidays.

When the children got their favorite gifts, their happiness doubled and they hailed the efforts of ACMW.

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