New YorkNewsUSWorld

Queens Psychiatric Hospital to host Shelter for 1,000 Immigrants

More than 56,000 immigrants are in New York, currently: Officials said

New York: In view of the weekly arrival of thousands of people seeking asylum in the city, New York City officials decided to set up a shelter for 1,000 immigrants in the parking lot of the Queens Psychiatric Hospital.

New York City officials say they plan to set up a shelter for 1,000 immigrants in the parking lot of a Queens psychiatric hospital as thousands of asylum seekers continue to pour into the city each week.

A new emergency relief center at Creedmoor Psychiatric Hospital in Queens Borough, New York, will house asylum-seeking adults and offer medical care, including meals, according to officials.

Emergency Management Commissioner Zachary Iscol said at a news conference at City Hall that the center will not only provide housing but also travel assistance for asylum seekers.

On the occasion, Deputy Mayor for Health Anne Williams-Isom said that city officials will provide space at the 300-acre Creed Moore facility, as well as pay for the construction and staffing of the immigrant shelter.

The Creedmoor Migrant Center will open sometime next month, officials said. According to officials, there are currently more than 56,000 immigrants in New York.

Mayor Eric Adams says that thousands of refugees continue to arrive in New York City every week, but a national solution is needed.

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