New YorkNewsUS

Man stabbed to death near Manhattan

Police released photos and footages of five including the main suspect

New York: A 35-year-old man was stabbed to death by an unknown man on Pier 84 near Manhattan

The suspect managed to escape easily after the incident. The police started identifying the suspected attacker.

Authorities have released photos and footage of five people, including the suspect and four others who are yet to be investigated.

main suspect, according to NYPD

New York police say a 35-year-old man has died in a stabbing attack at Pier 84, near two popular tourist spots on Manhattan’s West Side.

The attack was carried out by the assailant around 6am, the other day. The victim was taken to hospital where he was declared dead by doctors.

four other suspects

Police say that the suspected killer stabbed a man in the chest before fleeing with a group.

According to the police, the assailant and four others escaped after the attack.

No arrests were made till posting of this news

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