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Sen. Schumer calls FDA to take action on spot shortages’ of kid’s meds amid the tridemic

FDA should consider licensing new companies, Chuck Schumer.

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According to the national media, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer ask food and Drugs Administration to investigate the nationwide drug shortage affecting Children.

Parents are now concerned over empty shelves at pharmacies instead of toy stores this time of year.

During a news conference in Manhattan, the New York Democrat said there are “spot shortages” of basic kids’ needs across the region, including Tylenol, Robitussin, and ibuprofen amid a tridemic of viruses around the country.

He said the basic drugs are hard to find because three viruses COVID, flu and RSV, are hitting New York at the same time, and noted parents in NYC and on Long Island are having trouble getting what their kids need.

“The spot shortages are becoming serious problems for parents, caregivers, so we’re asking the FDA to investigate the problems locally and nationally and determine what official action they will take,” Schumer said.

“Today, I am urging FDA to investigate the shortages and consider several actions to reduce those shortages,” Schumer said. “These shortages are temporary; they are supply chain shortages, but we need to alleviate them.”

Schumer has been in touch with the FDA about this and has a few possible solutions in mind, starting with asking for permission to get help from overseas.

The FDA could expedite the importation approvals of foreign manufacturers and work with industry to target chemical and material shortages for making drugs, he said.

They should consider temporarily licensing new companies under the strictest of safety conditions to produce these drugs in the short term,” Schumer said.

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