New YorkNewsUSWorld

U.S celebrates its 246th birthday as Biden says “our best days still lie ahead.”

Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4th, 1776—and thus, America was born.

New York: The American Nation is celebrating its 246th birthday and anniversary of independence from British rule, with national zest and reverence.

On the day, an official holiday in the US, the citizens are celebrating America’s birthday with festivals, parades, fireworks, barbecues, sparklers, programs, events, and other fun-filled activities across the country including the capital – Washington DC.

Colorful displays big and small will light up the night sky in cities from New York to Seattle to Chicago to Dallas to mark the day, while thousands thronged beaches, parks, and clubs, to enjoy fun-filled activities.

President Joe Biden paid a rich tribute to those who rendered countless sacrifices for the defense of the nation and democracy.

In his message on the occasion, Biden said: “The Fourth of July is a sacred day in our country — it’s a time to celebrate the goodness of our nation, the only nation on Earth founded based on an idea: that all people are created equal,” Biden said in a tweet. “Make no mistake, our best days still lie ahead.”

In a Twitter message, Biden said: “While we celebrate the Fourth of July, I am thinking of the countless service members who have pledged their lives to defend our nation and democracy around the world. We are forever in debt to those who sacrifice so much to keep us safe.”

U.S Vice President Kamala Harris said in her message: “This Fourth of July, as we celebrate the liberty our brave service members fought and died for, let us fight to ensure every American can enjoy the freedoms promised in the Declaration of Independence and the rights secured by the generations who came before us.”

To commemorate the Fourth of July holiday, Joe and Jill Biden are hosting an event at the White House. Scheduled to start at 5pm EST, the event’s purpose is to recognize the families of individuals who have served in the military. Before they get to honoring military personnel and their loved ones, POTUS will be taking the podium to deliver remarks about a number of issues that are prevalent in the current political climate. Ahead of POTUS’ Independence Day speech at 5pm EST, spokesperson Chris Meagher gave details to the Associated Press about what to expect, and ‘The U.S Sun’ has quoted Chris Meagher as saying.

This day is incredibly significant in American history, as it marks the day the United States officially became its own nation. The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4th, 1776—and thus, America was born.


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