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Halal Guide’s third annual drive-thru Iftar at Bay Shore, Long Island.

New York,

The third annual drive-thru Iftar organizes by Halal Guide in front of Darul Quran Mosque located at the Bay Shore, Long Island of ​​New York. Helping Hands, LA ESTACION, BBQ Nite, Shaheen, Kababjees and Ehsaas Foundation also team up in this event for attaining the blessings of Ramadhan.

More than one thousand people benefited from Hot meal distributions at drive-thru Iftar, while the organizer Raza Dastaghir said Halal Guide has been organizing Iftar distribution for last three years.President of Masjid Dar-ul-Quran Shahid Mian thanked the participants and volunteers for accomplishment of drive-thru Iftar in collaboration with Halal Guide and others key participants.At-last the volunteers also thanked the Pakistani-American Muslim community for their generous participation.

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