
A man kills wife for adding too much salt to the food.

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Another horrific incident of violence against women in India’s Maharashtra where a man allegedly killed his wife after she added excessive salt to the khichdi she served him for breakfast.

According to police, reported by, the man, identified as Nilesh Ghagh, 46, strangulated his 40-year-old wife Nirmala to death at about 9:30am as he lost his temper because the food was too salty.

The suspect used a long piece of cloth to strangulate his wife, adding that the case is under investigation and the authorities are trying to ascertain there was no other motive behind the murder, Police added.

Violence against women is rampant in South Asia and killing women over petty issues is not unheard of. According to the publication, a similar incident had taken place last week when a man shot his daughter-in-law dead after she failed to serve him breakfast along with tea.

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