Middle EastNews

Kuwait’s PM resigns after no-confidence vote in parliament.

Oil-rich Kuwait shaken by disputes, cabinets dissolved several times, ruling Al-Sabah family dominates for more than a decade.


The Kuwait’s Prime Minister, Sabah Khaled Al-Sabah, submitted the cabinet’s resignation to Crown Prince Sheikh Meshal al-Ahmad al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the official KUNA news agency reported.

The move comes a day head of a parliamentary vote on a letter of non-cooperation. Ten lawmakers submitted against the PM after he had been accused of committing “unconstitutional” practices, including corruption.

Oil-rich Kuwait has been shaken by disputes between lawmakers and successive governments dominated by the ruling Al-Sabah family for more than a decade, with parliaments and cabinets dissolved several times.

Kuwait is the only Gulf Arab state with a fully elected parliament, which enjoys wide legislative powers and can vote ministers out of office.

Earlier, in February, the country’s interior and defense ministers resigned in protest over the manner of parliamentary questioning of other ministers.

Parliament had questioned Foreign Minister Sheikh Ahmed Nasser al-Mohammed Al-Sabah (royals) over corruption claims and alleged misuse of public funds.

Sheikh Ahmed survived a no-confidence vote on February 16, but Defense Minister Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali Al-Sabah said the lengthy grilling was an “abuse” of power.

“Interrogations are a constitutional right but parliamentary practices are hindering us from fulfilling the aspirations of the Kuwaiti people,” he was quoted as saying at the time by Kuwaiti media.

The country’s last government was sworn in December, the fourth in two years, after the previous one resigned in November amid political deadlock.

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