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Ali Rashid becomes 100 most influential Asian American says Nader J Sayegh.

Indiscriminate services render to American citizens and immigrants, including to promote Pakistani Ethnic Identity, NY assembly man added.

New York,

Pakistani-American business man, socialite, community leader and the best organizer Ali Rashid becomes the most influential personal in New York, says Nader J Sayegh elected member from District 90 of New York State Assembly.

He is an outstanding ambitious hard worker, task oriented and committed to promote Pakistani-American heritage. Ali completed his honors in finance and investments and begins his career with real state, Nader added.According to assembly man, Ali Rashid was invited to NY State assembly in recognition of his indiscriminate services render to American citizens and immigrants, including the community.

Ali Rashid launches a Non-profit organization namely American Pakistani Advocacy Group (APAG) seeking to promote Pakistani Ethnic Identity to civic engagements, education, career opportunity and personal advancements. Ali Rashid was named New York City and state one of the 100 most influential Asian American.

At last assembly man invites and welcomes President Ali Rashid and his fellow members to the chambers to congratulate them on promoting cultural identity, good work in the community and achieving American dream said Nader J Sayegh.

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