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ICNA Relief’s food drive at State Assembly-woman office.

The joy we feel in helping needy and homeless is un-describable says Jenifer Raj Kumar.


ICNA Relief organizes a food drive outside the Assembly-woman Jenifer Raj Kumar’s office located at Woodward Heaven, Queens, New York. State Assembly-woman Jenifer Raj Kumar attended the drive; a large number of needy queued at the ICNA Relief distribution point and received the grocery items.While, speaking to VOSA Tv on the occasion, Assemblywoman Jennifer Raj Kumar said that the needy and homeless people are facing malnutrition and the joy we feel in helping them is un-describable. The food pantry has all the necessities of daily life.

Speaking on the occasion, Head of ICNA Relief’s hunger Prevention Program in New York, Ishaq Alpar, and the women volunteers said that even in the most difficult of times, if you are a source of help, it is God’s special grace and blessings upon you and this is one of the best blessings.

According to ICNA Relief spokesperson, they started this food drive temporarily two years ago for the needy before the pandemic, but the food drive have now expanded and change to hunger Prevention Program and it has revealed the positive side of Muslims to non-Muslims.

At last, Jennifer Raj Kumar distributes appreciation certificates to the women volunteers of ICNA Relief.

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