Asia PacificNews

Teacher prison lifetime for raping 13 students, 8 of them impregnates.

The incident sparked national outrage, President paid special attention to the case, says officials.


An Indonesian court sentenced a teacher for the rape of 13 students to life in prison. The case has drawn countrywide attention to sexual abuse in the religious boarding schools.

Herry Wirawan, 36, was found guilty of raping 13 all minors’ female students. He impregnates eight of them by Bandung district court in West Java.

The case sparked national outrage, President Joko Widodo has paid special attention to the case according to a senior government official.

The pattern of cruelty came to light after the family of a female student reported Wirawan to the police for raping and impregnating their teenage daughter last year.

During the trial, it was revealed he had raped the children belongs to poor families. These attended students were on scholarships over five years.

Prosecutors requested chemical castration and the death penalty for the accused, who asked the judge for leniency to allow him to raise his children.

Wirawan arrived in court in handcuffs and kept his head down as judge Yohannes Purnomo Suryo Adi sentenced him to life in prison.

The court said compensation for the victims will be paid by the government.

The chairman of Indonesia’s Child Protection Commission said Tuesday’s verdict meant “justice for the victims has been served”.

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