
Petition dismisses by LHC against ban PUBG.


Justice Shams Mehmood Mirza dismisses the petition for an immediate ban of online game PUBG, in Lahore High Court-LHC. The dismisses of petition due to petitioner’s lawyer did not appear before the court even on last scheduled hearing on Monday, news channel reported.

Honorable Judge rejected the petition filled by Citizen Tanveer Sarwar, in which the Federal government, Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) and Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) were made respondents in the petition.

The plea stated that a 14-year-old boy killed his mother and siblings, while addicted a PUBG online game in Lahore. Playing a PUBG poses a serious threat to the mental health and lives of young people, the petition said.

The petition further said that there is no law in Pakistan to regulate online games. Regular laws have been enacted in India to regulate online games, the petition stated.

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