
Kashmir Solidarity protest around the Globe.

The protestors reiterated their commitment to continue Independence struggle against India illegal occupation.


Pakistanis and Kashmiris staged protests around the world against Indian Illegal occupation and expressed solidarity with the Kashmiri people. Protest organized by the Friends of Kashmir, in the German capital Berlin.

On the occasion, members of the community has said that even today, 73 years later, the United Nations, international powers and human rights organizations have failed to resolve the Kashmir issue because Kashmir was not among their priorities.

The purpose of our protest was to convince the world. The Kashmiri people were not alone and that their struggle would never be wasted in vain, added protestors.

Protesters chanted slogans for the oppressed Kashmiris and against India’s aggressive domination and oppression.

The protestors reiterated their commitment that we stood with our Kashmiri oppressed Muslim brothers and sisters and will continue to stand and In sha’ Allah the Kashmiri people will see the rising sun of freedom.

Pakistan embassy in Muscat, the capital of Oman, also celebrated Kashmir Solidarity Day and expressed solidarity.

While, addressing on event, Ambassador of Pakistan Muhammad Imran Ali said that Pakistan will never give up the right of Kashmiris to self-determination, India cannot suppress Kashmiris struggle for independence by force. Kashmiri leader Shakeel Maroof Bhatta said that political and diplomatic support of Kashmiris will continue.

Atiq-ur-Rehman read out President Dr. Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan messages on the occasion.

Kashmiri leaders thanked Pakistan for raising their voice for the oppressed Kashmiris. Kashif Zaeem, Mian Munir, Kamran Mushtaq, Amjad Ali and other speakers also addressed the function.

A ceremony was held at the Pakistan Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi capital, former ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Pakistan Ali Awaz Al-Asiri, said that the right of Kashmiris to self-determination cannot be ignored.

The worst human rights violations continued in Occupied Kashmir. The Saudi people stand with the Kashmiri brothers.

Ambassador of Pakistan Lieutenant General (retd) Bilal Akbar said that India has been occupying occupied territory Kashmir for the last seven decades and is carrying out atrocities. We salute the martyrs and appreciate the courage of the Kashmiri youth who are continuing the independence movement.

The Government and people of Pakistan stand with the struggle for independence of Occupied Kashmir and will continue their political, diplomatic and moral support.

The Pakistani and Kashmiri community said that we will continue to highlight the Kashmir issue on all the platforms of the world and will continue to expose the ugly face of India in front of the world.

Renowned Kashmiri journalist Ilyas Rahim presented a resolution of Kashmir issue while messages of President of Pakistan Arif Alvi, Prime Minister Imran Khan and Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi were also read out.

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