
Extra-judicial killing of 5 Kashmiris in IOJK, Pakistan strongly condemns.

In January 2022 alone, 23 Kashmiris martyred in fake 'encounters' and so-called cordon-and-search operations.


Pakistan reiterated United Nations for the accountability of the Indian occupation forces and strongly condemned the extra-judicial killing of five Kashmiris in Indian-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJK).

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), issued a statement that Indian occupation forces killed five Kashmiris in Pulwama and Budgam on January 29 and 30, 2022.

According to MOFA statement,

“In the month of January alone, Indian occupation forces have martyred at least 23 Kashmiris in fake ‘encounters’ and so-called cordon-and-search operations”.

Far-right extremist “Hindutva’ ideology provokes and condones genocide of Muslims, the Indian forces are ruthlessly targeting the Kashmiris, especially youth of the occupied territory.

“The international community must act to stop this cruel oppression and persecution of the besieged Kashmiris under illegal occupation,” the ministry added.

“We also reject and condemn the Indian officials’ lies insinuating the killing of an alleged ‘Pakistani’ resistance fighter. The Indian occupation forces are known to kill innocent Kashmiris and claiming them ‘alleged militants’, in the hope of getting monetary rewards or ‘gallantry’ medals,” the statement added.

It further said that Pakistan salutes the resilience of the Kashmiri people who continue to stand firm in their just and peaceful struggle for their legitimate right to self-determination as pledged to them by the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

“We also reiterate to the international community, including UN, to accountable India for its systematic human rights violations and war crimes against humanity in IOJK, without further delay.

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