Middle EastNews

Wife breaks husband’s fingers as he intends to marry again.

Wife fractures husband’s fingers while she develops 2% hearing impairment after husband slaps her.

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According to the Gulf Today News, the Dubai court sentenced an Asian couple to six months of imprisonment, followed by deportation, over the charge of assaulting each other.

According to Arab media, a clash broke out between the convicted couple, when the husband informed his wife that he intended to marry another woman. After hearing that wife physically abused her husband and fractured his fingers. In reaction, he slapped her on her ear, causing a 2% hearing impairment.

The Court heard that a dispute broke out between an Asian man and his wife before it developed into a verbal argument, which ended with the spouses, assaulting each other.

The 25-year-old wife reported that she had been surprised by her husband telling her of his intention to marry another woman and that he would not fulfill her marital rights anymore.

The altercation developed into fighting, which led the man to slap the wife in the face, beat her up, and attempted to strangle her, the report added.

Meanwhile, the 24-year-old husband stated that his wife had not accepted his decision to marry another woman and that she had assaulted and insulted him.

According to the wife’s medical report, she sustained multiple bruises on the forehead, nose, neck, and chest, as well as a punctured hole in the left eardrum and a slight deformation of the nasal septum that required treatment for a period of more than twenty days.

While the husband’s medical report stated that he sustained a fracture in the fourth and fifth metacarpals of the right hand with a 3-cm-long wound in the scalp (forehead), causing a permanent disability estimated at 2 percent. The Court found them guilty, so it sentenced them to jail to be followed by deportation.

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