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Recitation of Quran at Republicans Oath taking ceremony.

Newly elected District Attorney Raymond A. Tierney specially invites his School Principal and Pastor.

Long Island,

Pakistanis supports Republican Party for the first time in recent election. Pakistani’s voted for their candidate and won. After this election, Republicans has softened towards the Muslims.This attitude was demonstrated at Oath taking ceremony of newly elected District Attorney Raymond A. Tierney from Suffolk County, Long Island. Muslims were also invited in the ceremony. The founder of Islamic Radio Kevin Shakeel recites the Holy Quran. District Attorney Tierney chose the same school from where he was graduated to take the oath of office. The ceremony was attended by his School Principal, Pastor, Republican Party official and American officials.A businessman from the Pakistani community in New York, Nadim Wamiq and others praised the Republican’s soften attitude. The recent election results describe that Pakistanis and Muslims are important in American politics says Wamiq. Newly elected District Attorney Raymond A. Tierney said that he was pleased to have the opportunity to serve in this constituency, and he would try to level best to work with them all.

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