
Comedy king Omer Sharif’s funeral prayers offered in Nuremberg, Germany.

Nuremberg, Germany,

Comedy king, legend comedy artist Omer Sharif’s funeral prayers were offered at local mosque in Nuremberg, Germany. A large number of Pakistani attended the funeral prayers. Funeral processions organized by Pakistani consulate and Pakistani community in Germany. Later community prayed for his forgiveness and high ranks.Earlier, Omer Sharif left for US by air ambulance last Tuesday for treatment. He was found unconscious when his air ambulance landed in Nuremberg, Germany, for refueling and staffing. Comedy king was immediately shifted to ICU in German hospital. Several test were conducted and acute Pneumonia was diagnosed after which antibiotics was given to him.

According to German doctors, unless we were satisfied we could not allow him to fly. Omer Sharif wife Zarien Omer also accompanied with him in air ambulance, while during treatment Omer was not survived and passed away at the age of 66 on Saturday morning.

His death certificate could not be issued due to holiday on Saturday and Sunday and he was kept in hospital  morgue for two days. On Monday, his death certificate was issued after which his body was bathed and shrouded and then his funeral was held in the presence of a large number of community and fans in a local mosque.

According to sources his body will be sent to Pakistan by Turkish Airlines on Tuesday, which will reach on Wednesday while his wife travelled to Pakistan through Qatar airways.

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