
Foreign Minister Qureshi met with Kashmiri leaders at Pakistan House.

F.M. encouraged British Pakistani community to play its role in exposing human rights violations in Kashmir.

Muqeem Ahmed, U.K.

Pakistan House London hosted a meeting with Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi and renowned British Pakistani leaders and community representatives from Kashmir.

The Foreign Minister praised the positive role of Pakistani Kashmiri community for highlight Indian atrocities in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir during the meeting. Shah also described the advancements of Government of Pakistan on Kashmir cause.

According to Foreign Minister, Government of Pakistan relying on international credible sources. Government had recently compiled a dossier and submitted to UN and detailing more than 3,000 war crimes committed by the Indian occupying forces.

Foreign Minister Qureshi mentioned the recent debate on Occupied Kashmir in British Parliament. He said that this debate on Occupied Kashmir had once again exposed the atrocities and human rights violations of the Indian occupying forces. FM also encouraged the British Pakistani community to play its role in exposing the ongoing human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir.

The Foreign Minister assured the Kashmiri leadership that Pakistan would continue to provide full political, moral and diplomatic support to the Kashmiris till they achieve their right to self-determination as per UN Security Council resolutions.

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