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Chehlum processions held in Queens, New York.

Queens, New York,

Chehlum processions was held in the Queens area of ​​New York for the martyrs of Karbala. A large number of mourners including men, women and children’s attended and remembered the eternal sacrifice of the martyrs of Karbala for the sake of Islam.While addressing the Chehlum processions, scholars said that Immam Husain Aleh-Salam in Karbala had established the principle for the living world that truth can never bow to falsehood.The shabeeh of Alam and Zul Jinnah were also found in the procession. Earlier, minors also paid tribute to the martyrs of Karbala in a very unique way.The procession passed through its designated routes and ended in Queens. At last of Chehlum processions, prayers were offered for the triumph of Muslim Ummah against the falsehood.

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