
ICNA Relief rehabilitation of devastated areas in Louisiana.

Muslim NGO becomes a sigh of Relief in Hurricane Ida Hardships.

Louisiana, US,

Hurricane Ida caused extensive damage in US. Many buildings were destroyed, and communications system were damaged. More than 66 people lost their lives. Complete rehabilitation of devastated areas would take a long time.ICNA Relief and its volunteers proved once again that if we work together to help the needy, smiles on the faces of the people can be brought back. ICNA Volunteers, render services to bring back the joys of those affected by Hurricane Ida in US who had lost their hope of life.The Louisiana is the worst affected state of Hurricane Ida. In some areas, 90% of households were affected. NGOs are also playing their part, parallel to US government. ICNA Relief, the largest American Muslim charity organization, has been at the forefront of helping the affected people from the very beginning and is still present in the affected areas. Residents are desperate for help, and ICNA Relief volunteers lined up to help them.Team of ICNA Relief’s volunteers includes people of different nationalities and countries, and their goal is to help others, regardless of race or nationality or religion. Children’s also joined ICNA Relief volunteers team. The mayor of Jean Lafitte thanked the ICNA Relief volunteers. He warned of the dangers of a disaster like Ida and appealed to the people for help. Dozens of ICNA Relief volunteers across US have arrived in the state of Louisiana and serving people day and night. The people of Louisiana looked very happy with the help they received at their doorstep. They also thanked ICNA Relief.Families have lost their homes; they have no necessities of life and no rations. In this regard, ICNA Relief is not only distributing necessities on a large scale, but also distributing fresh food on various places.Outbreaks intensified during natural disasters, and peoples need first aid and cure. Residents of the storm-hit areas were facing difficulties due to closure of clinics, pharmacies and lack of doctors.ICNA Relief realized the people’s need and medical camps have been set up at various places in collaboration with the Pakistani Doctors Association. Professional doctors and staff were present, medicines are also being provided along with patient’s check-ups.The local police chief said ICNA Relief and its volunteers set a new example of humanitarian service and calling ICNA Relief a gift from God.ICNA Relief and its volunteers are working hard to help such people who have lost their roofs due to Ida. Along with distribution of essentials, medical camps and other services, the professional team of ICNA Relief Disaster Services also partially repaired homes. Muslim volunteers are winning the hearts of American neighbors with their actions.

ICNA Relief volunteers, from different states come to Louisiana stay at local mosques. After a short rest, volunteers return to serve the affecters.

Maqsood Ahmed CEO, ICNA Relief, said that providing immediate assistance to natural disasters or other affected people in any part of the US is a specialty of ICNA Relief to help them.ICNA Relief, the largest Muslim organization, aims to serve humanity. The purpose of ICNA Relief is to convey the message to people all over the world that Muslims not only respect every nation but also help them in difficult times.

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