
Pope Francis urges Catholics to pray and fast for Afghanistan

Pope Francis expressed his “great concern” at the tragic situation in Afghanistan.

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According to Catholic News Agency,  Pope Francis on Sunday urged Christians to intensify their prayer, penance and fasting for the situation in Afghanistan, as he entrusted the souls of those who have died to God’s mercy. Pope Francis expressed his “great concern” at the tragic situation in Afghanistan and prayed for all those who died in the suicide bomb attack last Thursday outside Kabul international airport.

He said Christians cannot remain indifferent in historic moments such as this one, and he called on them not only to give humanitarian assistance but also pray and fast.

“In historical moments like this we cannot remain indifferent; the history of the Church teaches us this,” He said, “I appeal to everyone to intensify prayer and to practice fasting, prayer and fasting, prayer and penance. This is the time to do it. I am speaking seriously: Intensify prayer and practice fasting, asking the Lord for mercy and pardon.”

Pope Francis spoke on August 29, after leading the traditional Angelus prayer at St. Peter’s Square, as he does every Sunday.

Pope Francis said he is following the situation with great concern and he participates in the suffering of those mourning for the people who lost their lives in the suicide attacks.

He appealed to everyone to continue to help the needy and to pray that dialogue and solidarity may lead to the establishment of a peaceful and fraternal living together and offer hope for the future of the country.  “I entrust the dead to the mercy of God,” he added, referring to the 13 U.S. troops and the estimated 170 Afghan civilians who were killed in the attacks.

The Pope also thanked all those who are seeking to help the people of that country put to such trial, especially the women and children.

 “I ask everyone to continue to assist the needy and to pray that dialogue and solidarity will lead to the establishment of a peaceful and fraternal coexistence and offer hope for the future of the country.” “I participate in the suffering of all those who weep for the persons who lost their lives in the suicide attacks last Thursday, and (in the suffering) of those who are seeking help and protection,” Francis said.


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