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PAANY flag hoisting on Independence celebrations in NYC.

New York City,

The flag hoisting ceremony was organized by the PAANY(Pakistani American Association of New York). Ceremony began with the recitation of Holy Qur’an. Rana Akhlaq, a well-known Naat reciter and singer of the community, also sang national songs.

US and Pakistan national anthems were performed aloud, while New York Police Department officials raised flags with full protocols.

Women and children wore matched attire as Pakistani flag.

Congress Women Awards Clock was also present at the ceremony.

Aslam Dhalan of PAANY founder was awarded a certificate of appreciation in recognition for his services.

On the occasion Eric Gonzalez, District Attorney for Brooklyn said that I am proud to serve the Pakistani community, and praised the PAANY team and their efforts. The flags of the United States and Pakistan were waved.

The mouthwatering barbecue was served to the guest. The PAANY administrator and the team had arranged a decorated cake for guests.

Pakistani Consul General in New York Ayesha Ali was chief guest at the event. While speaking on the ocassion Ayesha Ali delivered a message of solidarity to Pakistanis around the world on Independence Day.

PAANY and its team are at the forefront of serving the community in NYC on the event.

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