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Insecurity among NYC Muslims after miscreant attack on Mosque.

Community demands immediate arrest and Justice from NYC administration and Police.

Brooklyn, New York,

Miscreant attack Jamiah Darus Sunnah Mosque located at East Nine on Cortelyou Road in Brooklyn, New York. Damages main entrance door and broke the glass.

An unidentified young assailant wearing pants shirt carrying a bag over his shoulder and crossing the street in morning to enter through main entrance of the Jamiah Darus Sunnah Mosque and Islamic School that is visible in CCTV footage.

He opens the gate and moves inside, but after few moment he came back and thinks for a while. Assailant move towards car parked in front of mosque and deliberately punches and kicks the car.

He often vents his anger on the side glass of the car and on the door, and when all this does not counter his anger,

he repeatedly attacks on door of the Jamiah Darus Sunnah mosque with kicks. The glass mounted on the gate is broken.

The unidentified angry young man, on his way back after attacking the mosque, vented his anger on another car, parked outside the mosque.

After this incident, there is insecurity among Muslim community along with intense grief and anger.

Worshiper, Rana Akhlaq, said they filed hate crime against the incident but police did not seriously acknowledge as hate crime and filed a routine report.

The imam of the mosque said that this is not the first attack on this mosque. Anti-peace elements have attacked this mosque twice before.

The Muslim community has demanded the city administration and the police to immediately arrest the assailant involved in the attack on the mosque and punish him.

Earlier, NYPD and FBI-partners announced a joint public service announcement (PSA) program to encourage the reporting and control anti-Asian hate crimes. NYPD stand in solidarity with the Asian community according to PSA program.

Read also

NYPD and FBI-NYC partners initiates PSA to curb Anti-Asian hate crimes.

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