
Bulgaria claims unique position in Lavender farming.

Muqeem Ahmed, UK,

A country in northeastern Europe, Bulgaria, has increased the cultivation of lavender plant, which is used in cosmetics and perfumes, to more than demand of the world markets.

Bulgaria has increased lavender cultivation 600% since 2010, spreading cultivation over 20,000 acres, surpassing world number one France. Bulgaria also surpasses 600 tons per year by increasing lavender oil production in 2020.

According to the owner of Lavender’s cultivation company, Bulgaria is going to surpass France and claims the unique number one position in the world. However, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, lavender oil, which was sold at hundred and twenty euros per kilogram in 2018, decline to sixty euros per kilogram in the global market last year and that’s because of its presence over global production, which has affected its selling price. Although the production from Central Bulgaria is world class, it produces high quality oil.

In northeastern Bulgaria, new growers have cultivated uncertified varieties of lavender instead of growing grains and have failed to achieve world standards.

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