
Fewer minority staff at British Queen’s, Buckingham Palace.

Muqeem Ahmad, UK,

The official residence of the British Queen, Buckingham Palace, has a very few minority staff.

An official at Britain’s royal palace, speaking on condition of anonymity, said there were very few people of other races and minorities in the Buckingham palace.

In a report on the “Queen’s spending from the national treasury”, Palace sources said only 8.5% of the total staff belonged to the ethnic minority and that this would be increased to 10 percent by 2022.

For the first time in the history of the British royal family, such reports have come to lime light.

Earlier, Queen Elizabeth’s grandson and his wife, Meghan Merkel, accused the royal family of racial discrimination and insulting a senior member of the royal family on the American program Opera One Free.

The queen’s eldest grandson, Prince William, made it clear that the royal family was not racist. However, the Queen took the allegation seriously and promised to resolve it

Palace sources also said on an occasion that Princess Meghan Merkel’s allegations of non-partisan treatment of staff members would be investigated.

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