
LEGO plans to manufactures Echo Friendly toys.

Muqeem Ahmed, London,

Lego, the world’s largest toy maker, has announced a revolutionary plan to protect the environment. In future, its toys will include bricks made of disposable plastic.

According to Lego company’s vice president, Tim Brook, said that Lego company currently uses 100,000 tons of plastic every year, “We are under hi consumer pressure and we will use recycled materials to protect the environment”.

Recycling an ordinary bottle of water will yield ten bricks. These bricks will be made of plastic which is beneficial for the environment company spokesperson added that.

Lego will spend 400 million on acquisitions of this technology. There are also a number of technical issues involved in making new recycled bricks which are being under considerations. According to Lego, the new eco-friendly bricks are available in 18 to 24 months

Metal, a company that makes Barbie dolls, has announced that from 2030, it will make its toys with eco-friendly ingredients.

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