
European and British watchdogs linked global vaccine makers AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson to possibility blood clots in women

Several countries suspend use of the vaccines and decided to stop buying these vaccines for next year

Muqeem Ahmad, London,

The European Commission (EU) has decided not to extend the vaccine supply agreement with AstraZeneca and Johnson N. Johnson from next year.

According to sources, this decision has been taken by the European Commission after consultation with EU bloc leaders and in the future Pfizer or Moderna shots will be purchased which use as Messenger RNA technology.

A spokesman for the European Commission said authorities wanted to consider possibility of preparing for the next phase of the pandemic. The decision could be a major blow to AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson

The single vaccine shot by Johnson & Johnson, is also experiencing blood clots that are being reviewed by European watchdogs

 The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has ordered the suspension of vaccine use for a few days. US President Biden has reassured the public after six reported cases of blood clots in women.

European and British regulators have linked the vaccine to possible blood clots. Some countries have since banned or suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine for certain age groups.

Denmark is the first country to stop using the vaccine completely since Wednesday.

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