
Lockdown eases in England, schools started and old homes allowed to meet a family member.

Muqeem Ahmad, London,

After a two-month break in England, millions of students have started going to school on Monday. Opening schools is the first step towards easing the government’s strict lockdown. To end the lockdown British government has set four steps by June.

Ease in lockdown reliance is conditional, on success in preventing corona virus. Schoolchildren have been instructed to wash their hands regularly, maintain proper social distance and wear face masks in classrooms. Secondary school students will also have to go through COVID-19 testing stages.

According to school headmaster “Students are happy to be back at school and we are ready to deal with any situation”.

Elderly people living in care homes and old homes in the UK are also allowed to see a family member

Nicky Clarke is the first British woman to meet her mother for the first time since March 2020. The meeting was held under strict security measures and rules

Lockdown restrictions for adult British citizens continue unabated. All businesses are closed except for essentials and food shops, but British citizens have high expectations for the coming days

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